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Liturgical dancer, writer, musician, United Methodist minister, guest preacher, retreat leader on prayer, non-violent communication, and the arts & spirituality

Monday, September 26, 2011

Windows: Looking in/looking out

Fontana del Papa, Tolfa, Italy 2008

As a child, I tried to look in windows. 
I wanted to figure out what people were doing inside, and how I could be a part of that.

Central Italy 2008

  In adulthood, I tried to look out from where I was.
I wanted to understand what was going on beyond my four walls, 
my inherited likes and dislikes, 
my expectations of others' behavior and my own behavior as well.

Hobart, Tasmania 2009

Czesky Krumlov 2010
I had a dream once that I was in a log cabin. I could see through the windows that there were lovely flowers and trees outside, but I couldn't figure out how to unbolt the heavy, wooden door.
The Jewish Ghetto in Prague, 2010

I think about how many people live their lives like that.
Terezin Concentration Camp, Czech Republic 2010

Held inside by force.
Columbus, Indiana 2011
Hermann, Missouri 2011

Unable to move out.

In the dream, I heard a voice that said, "Turn around." 
My neck was stiff and hard to twist, but I made myself do so. 
As I did, I saw that the back of the cabin had been completely blown away. 
I had never turned around to see what was there, waiting for me, 
so desperate was I to try to undo the bolt on the front door. 

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala 2010

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